November 2017

Math League Starts Out Strong

In the first Math League meet for the year, Archmere's 9th grade team earned first place, and the three 10th-12th grade teams earned 2nd, and 4th (2 teams in 4th) place in our region.

Sponsored by DCTM, the Delaware Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the purpose of the Delaware Secondary School Mathematics League is to cultivate an interest in mathematics through team competition. There are four levels of competition – Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, and Grades 10-12. Schools are separated into geographic regions for regional competitions. Upon completion of the four regional meets, the top scoring teams and the top scoring individuals from each region are invited to participate in the Invitational Meets. Awards are presented to the regional winners and to the Invitational Meet winners at the State Math League Banquets.

Archmere Community Service Offers "Trunk or Treat" with Knollwood

The Archmere Community Service group hosted a "Trunk or Treat" for local families at Knollwood Community Center on Saturday, October 28th. Over 50 Archmere students decorated 25 cars and parked them in the lot. Kids came dressed up to walk around and trick or treat by visiting each car. The idea was to provide a safe and fun experience for all.
Archmere Academy is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,
grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.